index.vue 16 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="home">
  3. <!-- <img class="home-back" src={require('../../assets/img_home.png')} /> -->
  4. <a-modal v-model="amodal" title="申请试用" on-ok="handleOk" width="720px" @afterClose="fouse" destroyOnClose>
  5. <template slot="footer">
  6. <div class="sub">
  7. <a-button key="submit" type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">
  8. 立即提交
  9. </a-button>
  10. </div>
  11. </template>
  12. <a-form :form="form" :label-col="{ span: 5 }" :wrapper-col="{ span: 50 }" @submit="handleSubmit">
  13. <a-form-item label="CompanyName">
  14. <!-- 公司名称 -->
  15. <a-input v-decorator="['companyName', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入您的公司名称' }] }]"
  16. v-model="customer.companyName" placeholder="请输入您的公司名称*">
  17. <img src="../../static/image/img_home_modal_0.png" class="w-15 h-15" slot="prefix" alt="">
  18. </a-input>
  19. </a-form-item>
  20. <a-form-item label="City">
  21. <!-- 选择所在城市 -->
  22. <a-input v-decorator="['city', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入所在城市' }] }]" v-model=""
  23. placeholder="请输入所在城市*">
  24. <!-- <a-icon slot="prefix" type="bank" /> -->
  25. <img src="../../static/image/img_home_modal_1.png" class="w-15 h-15" slot="prefix" alt="">
  26. </a-input>
  27. </a-form-item>
  28. <a-form-item label="CustomName">
  29. <!-- 姓名 -->
  30. <a-input v-decorator="['customName', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入您的姓名' }] }]"
  31. v-model="customer.customName" placeholder="请输入您的姓名*">
  32. <!-- <a-icon slot="prefix" type="UserOutlined" /> -->
  33. <img src="../../static/image/img_home_modal_2.png" class="w-15 h-15" slot="prefix" alt="">
  34. </a-input>
  35. </a-form-item>
  36. <a-form-item label="Phone">
  37. <!-- 手机号 -->
  38. <a-input v-decorator="['phone', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入您的联系方式' }] }]" v-model=""
  39. placeholder="请输入您的联系方式*">
  40. <!-- <a-icon slot="prefix" type="phone" /> -->
  41. <img src="../../static/image/img_home_modal_3.png" class="w-15 h-15" slot="prefix" alt="">
  42. </a-input>
  43. </a-form-item>
  44. <!-- 验证码 -->
  45. <a-form-item label="VerifyCode">
  46. <a-input v-decorator="['verifyCode', { rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入验证码' }] }]" placeholder="输入验证码"
  47. v-model="customer.verifyCode" size="large">
  48. <img src="../../static/image/img_home_modal_4.png" class="w-15 h-15" slot="prefix" alt="">
  49. <div slot="suffix" style="cursor: pointer; color: #1890ff;" @click="verifyCodeFn">
  50. {{ countdown == 0 ? '获取验证码' : countdown }}
  51. </div>
  52. </a-input>
  53. </a-form-item>
  54. </a-form>
  55. </a-modal>
  56. <div class="home-back">
  57. <img src="../../static/image/img_home.png" style="cursor: pointer;width: 100%;" alt="" @click="amodalFn">
  58. <div class="home-head">
  59. <div>
  60. <img src="../../static/image/hryk.png" style="width: 200px;" alt="">
  61. </div>
  62. <div class="home-right">
  63. <span>
  64. 首页
  65. </span>
  66. <span>
  67. 解决方案
  68. </span>
  69. <span>
  70. 联系我们
  71. </span>
  72. <span @click="amodalFn">
  73. 申请试用
  74. </span>
  75. </div>
  76. </div>
  77. </div>
  78. <!-- <img src="../../static/image/img_home.png" class="home-back" style="cursor: pointer;" alt="" @click="amodalFn"> -->
  79. <div class="home-qa">
  80. <div class="home-title">为什么选择惠融易客</div>
  81. <div class="home-title-sub">
  82. 与传统方式相比较,惠融易客的优势又都有哪些?
  83. </div>
  84. <div class="home-qa-img-row">
  85. <div class="container">
  86. <div v-for="(p, i) in homeList0" :key="i" class="container-row">
  87. <div class='home-qa-img-row-item'>
  88. <img :src="require('../../static/image/p_img_home_qs_0_' + i + '.png')" alt="">
  89. </div>
  90. </div>
  91. </div>
  92. </div>
  93. <div class="home-qa-img-row">
  94. <div class="container">
  95. <div v-for="(p, i) in homeList1" :key="i" class="container-row">
  96. <div class='home-qa-img-row-item'>
  97. <img :src="require('../../static/image/p_img_home_qs_1_' + i + '.png')" alt="">
  98. </div>
  99. </div>
  100. </div>
  101. </div>
  102. </div>
  103. <div class="home-ad">
  104. <div>
  105. <div class="home-title">精准获客</div>
  106. <div class="home-title-sub">
  107. 多渠道投放对接,帮助企业搭建推广产品矩阵
  108. </div>
  109. <div class="home-ad-row">
  110. <div v-for="(index, i) in 6" :key="i" class="home-row-single">
  111. <img :src="require('../../static/image/img_home_ad_' + i + '.png')" alt="">
  112. </div>
  113. </div>
  114. </div>
  115. </div>
  116. <div class="home-static">
  117. <div class="home-content">
  118. <div class="home-title">免费试用</div>
  119. <div class="home-title-sub">
  120. 立即免费试用惠融易客CRM 提升企业业绩
  121. </div>
  122. <div class="home-ad-free">
  123. <div class="home-static-title">
  124. 已加入
  125. </div>
  126. <div v-for="(index, i) in freeList" :key="i" class="home-row-single">
  127. <div class="home-static-num">
  128. <div class="home-static-num-wrap">{{ index }}</div>
  129. </div>
  130. </div>
  131. <div class="home-static-title">人</div>
  132. </div>
  133. <div style="text-align: center">
  134. <a-button class="home-static-btn" shape="round" @click="amodalFn">立即申请试用</a-button>
  135. </div>
  136. </div>
  137. </div>
  138. <div class="home-qa">
  139. <div class="home-content">
  140. <div class="home-title">咨询信息</div>
  141. <div class="home-title-sub" @click="amodalFn">
  142. 点击了解惠融易客的更多信息
  143. </div>
  144. <div class="home-ad-xw" v-if="homeList3[0]">
  145. <div class="ad-free-img">
  146. <img v-if="activeKey" :src="homeList3[activeKey].images" style="width:100%;height: 100%;" alt="">
  147. <img v-else :src="homeList3[0].images" style="width:100%;height: 100%;" alt="">
  148. </div>
  149. <div class="ad-free-content">
  150. <a-collapse v-model="activeKey" accordion @change="collapseChange">
  151. <a-collapse-panel key="0" :header="homeList3[0].title" :showArrow="false">
  152. <div class="add-title yc-3">
  153. {{ homeList3[0].summary }}
  154. </div>
  155. <a-button type="primary" style="margin-top: 5px;" @click="btnContent(homeList3[0])">
  156. 查看详情
  157. </a-button>
  158. </a-collapse-panel>
  159. <template v-for="(item, index) in homeList3">
  160. <a-collapse-panel v-if="index !== 0" :key="index + ''" :header="item.title" :showArrow="false">
  161. <!-- <p>{{ item.title }}</p> -->
  162. <div class="add-title yc-3">
  163. {{ item.summary }}
  164. </div>
  165. <a-button type="primary" @click="btnContent(item)">
  166. 查看详情
  167. </a-button>
  168. </a-collapse-panel>
  169. </template>
  170. </a-collapse>
  171. <div>
  172. </div>
  173. </div>
  174. </div>
  175. </div>
  176. </div>
  177. <!-- 底部 -->
  178. <div class="home-bottom">
  179. <div class="home-bottom-c">
  180. <!-- 联系我们 -->
  181. <div class="contact">
  182. <span class="contact-1">
  183. 联系我们
  184. </span>
  185. <span class="contact-2">不要犹豫,现在就来联系我们吧 !</span>
  186. </div>
  187. <!-- 咨询 -->
  188. <div class="home-consult">
  189. <!-- 左边 -->
  190. <div class="consult-tel">
  191. <!-- <div style="width: 40%;">
  192. <span>
  193. <img src="../../static/image/001.png" alt="" class="w-20 h-20">
  194. </span>
  195. <span class="color-fff-12">
  196. 咨询: 23232322
  197. </span>
  198. </div> -->
  199. <div style="margin-right: 30px;">
  200. <span>
  201. <img src="../../static/image/002.png" alt="" class="w-20 h-20">
  202. </span>
  203. <span class="color-fff-12">
  204. 客服:
  205. </span>
  206. </div>
  207. <!-- <div style="width: 40%;">
  208. <span>
  209. <img src="../../static/image/003.png" alt="" class="w-20 h-20">
  210. </span>
  211. <span class="color-fff-12">
  212. 市场: 3333 44333 4311
  213. </span>
  214. </div> -->
  215. <div >
  216. <span>
  217. <img src="../../static/image/004.png" alt="" class="w-20 h-20">
  218. </span>
  219. <span class="color-fff-12">
  220. 商务: 17723267692(微信同号)
  221. </span>
  222. </div>
  223. </div>
  224. <!-- 二维码 -->
  225. <div class="consult-code">
  226. <div class="code-content" v-if="bottomCode.wxQrUrl">
  227. <span class="color-fff-12" style="font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
  228. 关注公众号
  229. </span>
  230. <img :src="bottomCode.wxQrUrl"
  231. style="width:100px;height:100px" alt="">
  232. </div>
  233. <div class="code-content" v-if="bottomCode.iosQrUrl" style="margin: 0 15px 0 45px">
  234. <span class="color-fff-12" style="font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
  235. iosAPP下载
  236. </span>
  237. <img :src="bottomCode.iosQrUrl"
  238. style="width:100px;height:100px" alt="">
  239. </div>
  240. <div class="code-content" v-if="bottomCode.androidQrUrl">
  241. <span class="color-fff-12" style="font-size: 11px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
  242. 安卓APP下载
  243. </span>
  244. <img :src="bottomCode.androidQrUrl"
  245. style="width:100px;height:100px" alt="">
  246. </div>
  247. </div>
  248. </div>
  249. <!-- 地址 -->
  250. <div class="site color-fff">
  251. <img src="../../static/image/005.png" class="w-20 h-20 " alt="">
  252. <span>
  253. 地址 重庆市两江新区大竹林街道清枫北路10号3幢双子座A座1406
  254. </span>
  255. </div>
  256. <!-- 备案号 -->
  257. <div class="reference">
  258. <span>重庆惠融数字科技有限公司版权所有</span>
  259. <span>
  260. 渝ICP备2023000211号-4
  261. </span>
  262. </div>
  263. </div>
  264. </div>
  265. </div>
  266. </template>
  267. <script>
  268. import { postListData, sendSms,postCustomer,downInfo } from '../../api/index'
  269. import { message } from 'ant-design-vue'
  270. export default {
  271. name: 'IndexPage',
  272. data() {
  273. return {
  274. homeList0: [
  275. {
  276. title: '传统获得客效率低,成本高',
  277. content:
  278. '3000个白名单里可能只能挖掘出一个意向客户,员工信心不足,线路成本与人工成本均居高不下',
  279. },
  280. {
  281. title: '客户资源易流失',
  282. content:
  283. '高价挖掘的意向客户,面临员工离职带走客户和员工飞单的风险,无法形成客户资产,资源全部在业务员手上',
  284. },
  285. {
  286. title: '跨部门沟通成本高',
  287. content:
  288. '线下上门客户填写个人信息受法律监管,机构对于各类纸质资料不易保存,上门客户服务情况无法掌握,跨部门沟通成本高',
  289. },
  290. ],
  291. homeList1: [
  292. {
  293. title: '轻松获客',
  294. content: '通过惠融易客推广获客,轻松获取意向客户,有效降低获客成本95%',
  295. },
  296. {
  297. title: '客户管理',
  298. content:
  299. '通过惠融易客客户管理系统,科学高效管理企业客户资料,开成公司资产,员工离职一键收回所有权限,客户跟进情况一目了然',
  300. },
  301. {
  302. title: '业务管理',
  303. content:
  304. '通过惠融易客客户管理系统记录跟进,客户从上门到成交的各个环节均可清晰化、信息化记录,有效提高效率与服务质量',
  305. },
  306. ],
  307. freeList: ['3', '0', '7', '0', '1', '3', '7', '4'],
  308. homeList3: [],
  309. activeKey: [0],
  310. text: `A dog is a type of domesticated animal.Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.`,
  311. amodal: false, //申请试用弹窗
  312. countdown: 0,
  313. customer: {
  314. sceneType: "loanofficial", // 场景
  315. companyName: '',// 公司名称
  316. customName: '', // 姓名
  317. city: '', // 所在城市
  318. phone: '', // 手机号
  319. verifyCode: '', //验证码
  320. channel:16, //pc官网16 手机端17
  321. },
  322. bottomCode:{
  323. },
  324. // 定时器
  325. intervalBtn: {},
  326. formLayout: 'horizontal',
  327. form: this.$form.createForm(this, { name: 'coordinated' }),
  328. }
  329. },
  330. created() {
  331. this.postListDataFn()
  332. this.downInfoFn()
  333. },
  334. methods: {
  335. async postListDataFn() {
  336. let list = await postListData({
  337. "categoryId": 1
  338. })
  339. ? this.homeList3 = : ''
  340. // console.log('this.homeList3',this.homeList3)
  341. },
  342. // 底部内容
  343. async downInfoFn() {
  344. // const list = await this.$axios.$get(``)
  345. const list = await downInfo()
  346. console.log('list',list)
  347. this.bottomCode=
  348. },
  349. collapseChange(e) {
  350. console.log(this.activeKey, 'collapseChange', e)
  351. },
  352. btnContent(item) {
  353. console.log('item', item)
  354. this.$router.push({ path: `/user/content?id=${}`})
  355. },
  356. // 发送
  357. handleSubmit(e) {
  358. e.preventDefault();
  359. this.form.validateFields(async(err, values) => {
  360. if (!err) {
  361. // console.log('Received values of form: ', values);
  362. let z = await postCustomer(this.customer)
  363. console.log('zzz',z)
  364. if('成功'){
  365. // 关闭页面
  366. this.fouse()
  367. }
  368. } else {
  369. console.log('进来了')
  370. }
  371. });
  372. },
  373. // 打开
  374. amodalFn(){
  375. this.amodal = true
  376. },
  377. // 关闭
  378. fouse(){
  379. console.log('关闭了')
  380. this.amodal = false
  381. },
  382. handleSelectChange(value) {
  383. console.log(value);
  384. this.form.setFieldsValue({
  385. note: `Hi, ${value === 'male' ? 'man' : 'lady'}!`,
  386. });
  387. },
  388. // 验证码
  389. async verifyCodeFn() {
  390. if ( {
  391. if (new RegExp('^1[0-9]{10}$').test( {
  392. let z = await sendSms({
  393. sceneType: "loanofficial",
  394. userMobile:
  395. })
  396. // console.log('zzz', z)
  397. if ( == 0) {
  398. message.success('发送成功')
  399. this.countdown = 60
  400. this.countDown()
  401. // console.log('进来了', this.countdown)
  402. } else {
  403. message.error('发送失败')
  404. }
  405. } else {
  406. message.error('请输入正确的手机号');
  407. }
  408. } else {
  409. message.error('请输入手机号')
  410. }
  411. },
  412. // 倒计时
  413. countDown() {
  414. // 设置倒计时
  415. this.intervalBtn = setInterval(() => {
  416. if (this.countdown == 1) {
  417. // 清除定时器
  418. clearInterval(this.intervalBtn)
  419. // 重置倒计时状态
  420. // this.countdown = 0
  421. };
  422. // 倒计时
  423. this.countdown--
  424. }, 1000)
  425. },
  426. }
  427. }
  428. </script>
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  442. background-color: #fff !important;
  443. border-color: #fff !important;
  444. color: #1890ff !important;
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  447. display: none !important;
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  449. .ant-modal-footer {
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  452. .sub .ant-btn-primary {
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