Przeglądaj źródła


17602334124 1 rok temu

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 	<cover-view id="tabbar" class="tabbar" >
-		<cover-view class="tabs flex-between" :style="{'padding-bottom':`${safeArea?'68rpx':'20rpx'}`}">
+		<!-- <cover-view class="tabs flex-between" :style="{'padding-bottom':`${safeArea?'68rpx':'20rpx'}`}">
 			<cover-view class="item flex-center" @click="switchTab(0)">
 				<cover-image :src="`${assetsUrl}tabbar-friends-${tabIndex===0?'on':'off'}.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tab-img"></cover-image>
 				<cover-view class="tab-text font22 fw400" :class="tabIndex===0?'tab-text-active':''">
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-		</cover-view>
+		</cover-view> -->

+ 1 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 				"pagePath": "pages/friends/friends",
 				"iconPath": "static/tabbar/friends-off.png",
 				"selectedIconPath": "static/tabbar/friends-on.png",
-				"text": "交友"
+				"text": "交友1"
 				"pagePath": "pages/messages/messages",

+ 1189 - 1050

@@ -1,147 +1,153 @@
 	<view class="container">
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+		<TabBar :tabIndex="tabIndex"></TabBar>
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+			<Popup :content1="popup.content1" :content2="popup.content2" :tip1="popup.tip1" :tip2="popup.tip2"
+				:btntext="popup.btntext" @closePopup="closePopup" @toLogin="toLogin" :btnEvent="'toLogin'"></Popup>
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-				'font-size':`${navIndex===index?'40rpx':'32rpx'}`,
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-				'font-weight':`${navIndex===index?'#ffffff':''}`}"
-				@click="navClick(index)">
-				<view class="nav-item-text fw700">{{item}}</view>
+		<!-- 头部推荐附近 -->
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+				'font-size': `${navIndex === index ? '40rpx' : '32rpx'}`,
+				'color': `${navIndex === index ? '#ffffff' : ''}`,
+				'font-weight': `${navIndex === index ? '#ffffff' : ''}`
+			}" @click="navClick(index)">
+				<view class="nav-item-text fw700">{{ item }}</view>
 			<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-searchicon.png`" mode="aspectFit" class="nav-search" @click="toSearch"></image>
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+				:style="{ 'left': `${navIndex * 158}rpx` }"></image>
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+			@change="outerSwiperChange">
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-					lower-threshold="200"
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-					refresher-default-style="white"
-					refresher-background="#151126" 
-					@refresherrefresh="recommendRefresh" 
-					@refresherpulling="recommendPulling"
-					@refresherrestore="recommendRestore" 
-					@refresherabort="recommendAbort"
-					@scrolltolower="recommendToBottom"
-					show-scrollbar="false"
-					>
-				<view slot="refresher" class="refresh-container" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: 80px; background: blue; display: flex; align-items: center;">
-				    <view class="view1" style="position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
-				      下拉刷新
-				    </view>
-				</view>
-					<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-bg.png`" mode="widthFix" class="tops-bg" v-if="recommendTopsM.length>0"></image>
-					<view class="tops-nav flex-center" v-if="recommendTopsM.length>0">
-						<view class="tops-nav-item" :class="topsIndex===index?'font32 fw600 tops-nav-item-active':''" v-for="(item,index) in tops" :key="index" @click="topsNavClick(index)">
-							{{item}}
+				<scroll-view class="scroll-view" v-if="scrollHeight > 0" scroll-y="true" lower-threshold="200"
+					:style="{ 'height': `${scrollHeight}px` }" refresher-enabled="true" :refresher-triggered="recommendTriggered"
+					:refresher-threshold="45" refresher-default-style="white" refresher-background="#151126"
+					@refresherrefresh="recommendRefresh" @refresherpulling="recommendPulling" @refresherrestore="recommendRestore"
+					@refresherabort="recommendAbort" @scrolltolower="recommendToBottom" show-scrollbar="false">
+					<view slot="refresher" class="refresh-container"
+						style="display: block; width: 100%; height: 80px; background: blue; display: flex; align-items: center;">
+						<view class="view1" style="position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
+							下拉刷新
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-bg.png`" mode="widthFix" class="tops-bg" v-if="recommendTopsM.length > 0">
+					</image>
+					<view class="tops-nav flex-center" v-if="recommendTopsM.length > 0">
+						<view class="tops-nav-item" :class="topsIndex === index ? 'font32 fw600 tops-nav-item-active' : ''"
+							v-for="(item, index) in tops" :key="index" @click="topsNavClick(index)">
+							{{ item }}
-						<view class="tops-line" :style="{'left':`${topsIndex*160+250}rpx`}"></view>
+						<view class="tops-line" :style="{ 'left': `${topsIndex * 160 + 250}rpx` }"></view>
-					<swiper :current="topsIndex" class="swiper" @change="swiperChange" v-if="recommendTopsM.length>0">
+					<swiper :current="topsIndex" class="swiper" @change="swiperChange" v-if="recommendTopsM.length > 0">
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 							<view class="tops flex-between">
 								<view class="tops-third flex-center">
 									<view class="tt-item flex-center" @click="toDetail(recommendTopsM[1].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg"></view>
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-2.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
-										<image :src="recommendTopsM[1].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;"></image>
+										<image :src="recommendTopsM[1].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;">
+										</image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{recommendTopsM[1].nick}}
+											{{ recommendTopsM[1].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-heart.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{recommendTopsM[1].val}}
+												{{ recommendTopsM[1].val }}
-									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" style="margin: 0rpx 16rpx;" @click="toDetail(recommendTopsM[0].userId)">
+									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" style="margin: 0rpx 16rpx;"
+										@click="toDetail(recommendTopsM[0].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg-center" style="width: 228rpx;"></view>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img" style="transform: translateY(0rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border" style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="recommendTopsM[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"
+											style="transform: translateY(0rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border"
+											style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="recommendTopsM[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box"
+											style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{recommendTopsM[0].nick}}
+											{{ recommendTopsM[0].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-heart.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{recommendTopsM[0].val}}
+												{{ recommendTopsM[0].val }}
 									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" @click="toDetail(recommendTopsM[2].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg"></view>
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-3.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
-										<image :src="recommendTopsM[2].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;"></image>
+										<image :src="recommendTopsM[2].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;">
+										</image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{recommendTopsM[2].nick}}
+											{{ recommendTopsM[2].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-heart.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{recommendTopsM[2].val}}
+												{{ recommendTopsM[2].val }}
-						<swiper-item  class="swiper-item">
+						<swiper-item class="swiper-item">
 							<view class="tops flex-between">
 								<view class="tops-third flex-center">
 									<view class="tt-item flex-center" @click="toDetail(recommendTopsH[1].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg"></view>
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-2.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
-										<image :src="recommendTopsH[1].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;"></image>
+										<image :src="recommendTopsH[1].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;">
+										</image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{recommendTopsH[1].nick}}
+											{{ recommendTopsH[1].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-sugar.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{recommendTopsH[1].val}}
+												{{ recommendTopsH[1].val }}
-									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" style="margin: 0rpx 16rpx;" @click="toDetail(recommendTopsH[0].userId)">
+									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" style="margin: 0rpx 16rpx;"
+										@click="toDetail(recommendTopsH[0].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg-center" style="width: 228rpx;"></view>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img" style="transform: translateY(-5rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border" style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="recommendTopsH[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"
+											style="transform: translateY(-5rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border"
+											style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="recommendTopsH[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box"
+											style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{recommendTopsH[0].nick}}
+											{{ recommendTopsH[0].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-sugar.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{recommendTopsH[0].val}}
+												{{ recommendTopsH[0].val }}
-									<view class="tt-item  flex-center"  @click="toDetail(recommendTopsH[2].userId)">
+									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" @click="toDetail(recommendTopsH[2].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg"></view>
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-3.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
-										<image :src="recommendTopsH[2].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;"></image>
+										<image :src="recommendTopsH[2].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;">
+										</image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{recommendTopsH[2].nick}}
+											{{ recommendTopsH[2].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-sugar.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{recommendTopsH[2].val}}
+												{{ recommendTopsH[2].val }}
@@ -149,48 +155,55 @@
-					<view class="location flex-between" @click="computedLocation" v-if="showGetLocation">
+					<!-- <view class="location flex-between" @click="computedLocation" v-if="showGetLocation">
 						<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-pos.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="l-pos"></image>
 						<text class="l-text font24 fw400">点此开启位置权限,获得更精准推荐!</text>
 						<view class="l-open font24 fw400">开启</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="list-item flex-start" v-for="(item,index) in recommendList" :key="index" @click="toDetail(">
+					</view> -->
+					<view class="list-item flex-start" v-for="(item, index) in recommendList" :key="index"
+						@click="toDetail(">
 						<view class="list-head-box">
 							<image :src="item.iconThumbnail" mode="aspectFill" class="list-head-img"></image>
-							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #38E825;" v-if="item.lastActiveTime<=30"></view>
-							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #0ABDEF;" v-else-if="item.lastActiveTime>30&&item.lastActiveTime<=1440"></view>
+							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #38E825;" v-if="item.lastActiveTime <= 30"></view>
+							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #0ABDEF;"
+								v-else-if="item.lastActiveTime > 30 && item.lastActiveTime <= 1440"></view>
 						<view class="list-info-box">
 							<view class="name-box flex-between">
 								<view class="name flex-start">
 									<view class="name-text font28 fw600">
-										{{item.nick}}
+										{{ item.nick }}
 									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-vip.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img" v-if=""></image>
-									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-godness.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img-godness" v-if="item.goddess"></image>
-									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-real.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img" v-else-if="item.realMan"></image>
+									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-godness.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img-godness"
+										v-if="item.goddess"></image>
+									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-real.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img"
+										v-else-if="item.realMan"></image>
-								<view class="distance font22 fw400" v-if="item.distance&&item.distance!=='NaNm'">
-									{{item.distance}}
+								<view class="distance font22 fw400" v-if="item.distance && item.distance !== 'NaNm'">
+									{{ item.distance }}
-							<view class="sex-box flex-center" :style="{'background-color':`${'Male'?'rgba(108,82,244,0.21)':''}`}">
-								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-female.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img" v-if="'Famale'"></image>
-								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-male.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img" v-if="'Male'"></image>
-								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text1" v-if="'Famale'">
-									{{item.ageInfo.age}}
+							<view class="sex-box flex-center"
+								:style="{ 'background-color': `${ === 'Male' ? 'rgba(108,82,244,0.21)' : ''}` }">
+								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-female.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img"
+									v-if=" === 'Famale'"></image>
+								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-male.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img" v-if=" === 'Male'">
+								</image>
+								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text1" v-if=" === 'Famale'">
+									{{ item.ageInfo.age }}
-								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text2" v-if="'Male'">
-									{{item.ageInfo.age}}
+								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text2" v-if=" === 'Male'">
+									{{ item.ageInfo.age }}
 							<view class="tip-box font28 fw400 el" v-if="item.desc">
-								签名:{{item.desc}}
+								签名:{{ item.desc }}
 							<view class="tip-box font28 fw400 el" v-else>
 						<view class="img-box flex-between" v-if="item.lastNews">
 							<image :src="item.lastNews.mediaUrls[0]" mode="aspectFill" class="ib1"></image>
@@ -198,35 +211,25 @@
 							<image :src="item.lastNews.mediaUrls[2]" mode="aspectFill" class="ib3"></image>
-					<view class="no-more font24 fw400" v-if="recommendList.length!==0&&recommendList.length>=recommendTotal">没有更多了</view>
+					<!-- <view class="no-more font24 fw400" v-if="recommendList.length !== 0 && recommendList.length >= recommendTotal">没有更多了
+					</view> -->
 			<swiper-item class="outer-swiper-item">
-				<scroll-view class="scroll-view" 
-					v-if="scrollHeight>0"
-					scroll-y="true" 
-					lower-threshold="200"
-					:style="{'height':`${scrollHeight}px`}" 
-					refresher-enabled="true" 
-					:refresher-triggered="nearTriggered"
-					:refresher-threshold="45" 
-					refresher-default-style="white"
-					refresher-background="#151126" 
-					@refresherrefresh="nearRefresh" 
-					@refresherpulling="nearPulling"
-					@refresherrestore="nearRestore" 
-					@refresherabort="nearAbort"
-					@scrolltolower="nearToBottom"
-					:show-scrollbar="false"
-				>
+				<scroll-view class="scroll-view" v-if="scrollHeight > 0" scroll-y="true" lower-threshold="200"
+					:style="{ 'height': `${scrollHeight}px` }" refresher-enabled="true" :refresher-triggered="nearTriggered"
+					:refresher-threshold="45" refresher-default-style="white" refresher-background="#151126"
+					@refresherrefresh="nearRefresh" @refresherpulling="nearPulling" @refresherrestore="nearRestore"
+					@refresherabort="nearAbort" @scrolltolower="nearToBottom" :show-scrollbar="false">
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-						<view class="tops-nav-item" :class="topsIndex===index?'font32 fw600 tops-nav-item-active':''" v-for="(item,index) in tops" :key="index" @click="topsNavClick(index)">
-							{{item}}
+						<view class="tops-nav-item" :class="topsIndex === index ? 'font32 fw600 tops-nav-item-active' : ''"
+							v-for="(item, index) in tops" :key="index" @click="topsNavClick(index)">
+							{{ item }}
-						<view class="tops-line" :style="{'left':`${topsIndex*160+250}rpx`}"></view>
+						<view class="tops-line" :style="{ 'left': `${topsIndex * 160 + 250}rpx` }"></view>
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+					<swiper :current="topsIndex" class="swiper" @change="swiperChange" v-if="!showGetLocation">
 						<swiper-item class="swiper-item">
 							<view class="tops flex-between">
 								<view class="tops-third flex-center">
@@ -235,27 +238,30 @@
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-2.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
 										<image :src="nearTopsM[1].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{nearTopsM[1].nick}}
+											{{ nearTopsM[1].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-heart.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{nearTopsM[1].val}}
+												{{ nearTopsM[1].val }}
 									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" style="margin: 0rpx 16rpx;" @click="toDetail(nearTopsM[0].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg-center" style="width: 228rpx;"></view>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img" style="transform: translateY(-5rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border" style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="nearTopsM[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"
+											style="transform: translateY(-5rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border"
+											style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="nearTopsM[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box"
+											style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{nearTopsM[0].nick}}
+											{{ nearTopsM[0].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-heart.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{nearTopsM[0].val}}
+												{{ nearTopsM[0].val }}
@@ -264,61 +270,64 @@
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-3.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
 										<image :src="nearTopsM[2].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{nearTopsM[2].nick}}
+											{{ nearTopsM[2].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-heart.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{nearTopsM[2].val}}
+												{{ nearTopsM[2].val }}
-						<swiper-item  class="swiper-item">
+						<swiper-item class="swiper-item">
 							<view class="tops flex-between">
 								<view class="tops-third flex-center">
 									<view class="tt-item flex-center" @click="toDetail(nearTopsH[1].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg"></view>
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-2.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
-										<image :src="nearTopsH[1].icon"  class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;"></image>
+										<image :src="nearTopsH[1].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E2E2E2;"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{nearTopsH[1].nick}}
+											{{ nearTopsH[1].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-sugar.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{nearTopsH[1].val}}
+												{{ nearTopsH[1].val }}
 									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" style="margin: 0rpx 16rpx;" @click="toDetail(nearTopsH[0].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg-center" style="width: 228rpx;"></view>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img" style="transform: translateY(-5rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border" style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
-										<image :src="nearTopsH[0].icon"  class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"
+											style="transform: translateY(-5rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-1-bling.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img-border"
+											style="transform: translateY(-60rpx);"></image>
+										<image :src="nearTopsH[0].icon" class="tt-item-head-box"
+											style="border: 2rpx solid #FFEC36;transform: translateY(-18rpx);"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{nearTopsH[0].nick}}
+											{{ nearTopsH[0].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-sugar.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{nearTopsH[0].val}}
+												{{ nearTopsH[0].val }}
 									<view class="tt-item  flex-center" @click="toDetail(nearTopsH[2].userId)">
 										<view class="tt-item-bg"></view>
 										<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-3.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-img"></image>
-										<image :src="nearTopsH[2].icon"  class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;"></image>
+										<image :src="nearTopsH[2].icon" class="tt-item-head-box" style="border: 2rpx solid #E19865;"></image>
 										<view class="tt-item-name font28 fw600 el">
-											{{nearTopsH[2].nick}}
+											{{ nearTopsH[2].nick }}
 										<view class="tt-item-num-box flex-center">
 											<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-sugar.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="tt-item-num-img"></image>
 											<view class="tt-item-num-text font22 fw600">
-												{{nearTopsH[2].val}}
+												{{ nearTopsH[2].val }}
@@ -326,38 +335,44 @@
-					<view class="list-item flex-start" v-for="(item,index) in nearList" :key="index" @click="toDetail(">
+					<view class="list-item flex-start" v-for="(item, index) in nearList" :key="index" @click="toDetail(">
 						<view class="list-head-box">
 							<image :src="item.iconThumbnail" mode="aspectFill" class="list-head-img"></image>
-							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #38E825;" v-if="item.lastActiveTime<=30"></view>
-							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #0ABDEF;" v-else-if="item.lastActiveTime>30&&item.lastActiveTime<=1440"></view>
+							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #38E825;" v-if="item.lastActiveTime <= 30"></view>
+							<view class="list-head-dot" style="background-color: #0ABDEF;"
+								v-else-if="item.lastActiveTime > 30 && item.lastActiveTime <= 1440"></view>
 						<view class="list-info-box">
 							<view class="name-box flex-between">
 								<view class="name flex-start">
 									<view class="name-text font28 fw600">
-										{{item.nick}}
+										{{ item.nick }}
 									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-vip.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img" v-if=""></image>
-									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-godness.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img-godness" v-if="item.goddess"></image>
-									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-real.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img" v-else-if="item.realMan"></image>
+									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-godness.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img-godness"
+										v-if="item.goddess"></image>
+									<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-real.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="name-img"
+										v-else-if="item.realMan"></image>
-								<view class="distance font22 fw400" v-if="item.distance&&item.distance!=='NaNm'">
-									{{item.distance}}
+								<view class="distance font22 fw400" v-if="item.distance && item.distance !== 'NaNm'">
+									{{ item.distance }}
-							<view class="sex-box flex-center" :style="{'background-color':`${'Male'?'rgba(108,82,244,0.21)':''}`}">
-								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-female.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img" v-if="'Famale'"></image>
-								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-male.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img" v-if="'Male'"></image>
-								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text1" v-if="'Famale'">
-									{{item.ageInfo.age}}
+							<view class="sex-box flex-center"
+								:style="{ 'background-color': `${ === 'Male' ? 'rgba(108,82,244,0.21)' : ''}` }">
+								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-female.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img"
+									v-if=" === 'Famale'"></image>
+								<image :src="`${assetsUrl}friends-male.png`" mode="aspectFill" class="sex-img" v-if=" === 'Male'">
+								</image>
+								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text1" v-if=" === 'Famale'">
+									{{ item.ageInfo.age }}
-								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text2" v-if="'Male'">
-									{{item.ageInfo.age}}
+								<view class="el font20 fw500 sex-text2" v-if=" === 'Male'">
+									{{ item.ageInfo.age }}
 							<view class="tip-box font28 fw400 el" v-if="item.desc">
-								签名:{{item.desc}}
+								签名:{{ item.desc }}
 							<view class="tip-box font28 fw400 el" v-else>
@@ -369,995 +384,1119 @@
 							<image :src="item.lastNews.mediaUrls[2]" mode="aspectFill" class="ib3"></image>
-					<view class="no-more font24 fw400" v-if="nearList.length!==0&&nearList.length>=nearTotal">没有更多了</view>
-					<Status :type="statusType" :btnText="statusBtnText" :text="statusText" @btnEvent="computedLocation" v-if="showGetLocation"></Status>
+					<view class="no-more font24 fw400" v-if="nearList.length !== 0 && nearList.length >= nearTotal">没有更多了</view>
+					<!-- <Status :type="statusType" :btnText="statusBtnText" :text="statusText" @btnEvent="computedLocation" v-if="showGetLocation"></Status> -->
 					<Status type="noData" text="暂无数据" v-if="showNoData"></Status>
-	import TabBar from '@/components/TabBar/TabBar.vue';
-	import Status from '@/components/Status/Status.vue';
-	import wxMap from '@/static/qqmap-wx-jssdk1.2/qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js';
-	import TIM from 'tim-wx-sdk';
-	import Popup from '@/components/Popup/Popup.vue';
-	// import COS from 'cos-wx-sdk-v5';
-	import TIMUploadPlugin from 'tim-upload-plugin';
-	 // 腾讯位置服务,手机账号:18996226740
-	const wxMapSdk=new wxMap({key:'E5SBZ-T2YC3-CBL3F-YGFQQ-26PP2-ERFII'});
-	import {get} from '@/util/index.js'
-	export default {
-		components: {
-			TabBar,Status,Popup
-		},
-		data() {
-			return {
-				statusType:'noPos',
-				statusBtnText:'开启定位',
-				statusText:'开启定位后才能帮你找到身边的TA哦',
-				assetsUrl: this.$util.assetsUrl,
-				tabIndex: 0,
-				navs: ['推荐', '附近'],
-				navIndex:0,
-				tops:['魅力榜','壕气榜'],
-				topsIndex:0,
-				scrollHeight:0,
-				rankingOptions:{
-					city:'',
-					cityCode:'',
-					number:3,
-					type:'M'
-				},
-				popup:{
-					content1:'',
-					content2:'',
-					tip1:'',
-					tip2:'',
-					btntext:''
+import TabBar from '@/components/TabBar/TabBar.vue';
+import Status from '@/components/Status/Status.vue';
+import wxMap from '@/static/qqmap-wx-jssdk1.2/qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js';
+import TIM from 'tim-wx-sdk';
+import Popup from '@/components/Popup/Popup.vue';
+// import COS from 'cos-wx-sdk-v5';
+import TIMUploadPlugin from 'tim-upload-plugin';
+// 腾讯位置服务,手机账号:18996226740
+const wxMapSdk = new wxMap({ key: 'E5SBZ-T2YC3-CBL3F-YGFQQ-26PP2-ERFII' });
+import { get } from '@/util/index.js'
+export default {
+	components: {
+		TabBar, Status, Popup
+	},
+	data() {
+		return {
+			statusType: 'noPos',
+			statusBtnText: '开启定位',
+			statusText: '开启定位后才能帮你找到身边的TA哦',
+			assetsUrl: this.$util.assetsUrl,
+			tabIndex: 0,
+			navs: ['推荐', '附近'],
+			navIndex: 0,
+			tops: ['魅力榜', '壕气榜'],
+			topsIndex: 0,
+			scrollHeight: 0,
+			rankingOptions: {
+				city: '',
+				cityCode: '',
+				number: 3,
+				type: 'M'
+			},
+			popup: {
+				content1: '',
+				content2: '',
+				tip1: '',
+				tip2: '',
+				btntext: ''
+			},
+			recommendListOptions: {
+				filterIds: [],
+				page: {
+					index: 1,
+					size: 20,
+					sortValues: []
-				recommendListOptions:{
-					filterIds:[],
-					page:{
-						index:1,
-						size:20,
-						sortValues:[]
-					},
-					queryPre:{
-						city:'',
-						cityCode:'',
-						femaleGoddess:false,
-						femaleNew:false,
-						geo:{
-							lat:0,
-							lon:0
-						},
-						maleNew:false,
-						maleVip:false
+				queryPre: {
+					city: '',
+					cityCode: '',
+					femaleGoddess: false,
+					femaleNew: false,
+					geo: {
+						lat: 0,
+						lon: 0
-					showList: true,
-					type: {}
+					maleNew: false,
+					maleVip: false
-				nearListOptions:{
-					filterIds:[],
-					page:{
-						index:1,
-						size:20,
-						sortValues:[]
-					},
-					queryPre:{
-						city:'',
-						cityCode:'',
-						femaleGoddess:false,
-						femaleNew:false,
-						geo:{
-							lat:0,
-							lon:0
-						},
-						maleNew:false,
-						maleVip:false
+				showList: true,
+				type: {}
+			},
+			nearListOptions: {
+				filterIds: [],
+				page: {
+					index: 1,
+					size: 20,
+					sortValues: []
+				},
+				queryPre: {
+					city: '',
+					cityCode: '',
+					femaleGoddess: false,
+					femaleNew: false,
+					geo: {
+						lat: 0,
+						lon: 0
-					showList: true,
-					type: {}
+					maleNew: false,
+					maleVip: false
-				showGetLocation:false,
-				showNoData:false,
-				latitude:0,
-				longitude:0,
-				locationCity:'',
-				locationCityCode:'',
-				recommendTopsM:[],
-				recommendTopsH:[],
-				recommendList:[],
-				recommendTotal:0,
-				recommendRefreshing:false,
-				recommendTriggered:true,
-				nearTopsM:[],
-				nearTopsH:[],
-				nearList:[],
-				nearTotal:0,
-				nearRefreshing:false,
-				nearTriggered:true,
-				otherInfo:null
-			};
-		},
-		computed: {
-			statusBarHeight() {
-				return this.$store.state.statusBarHeight||20;
-			},
-			topbarOffsetHeight() {
-				return this.$store.state.topbarOffsetHeight||40;
+				showList: true,
+				type: {}
-			userInfo(){
-				return this.$store.state.userInfo||{};
-			}
+			showGetLocation: false,
+			showNoData: false,
+			latitude: 0,
+			longitude: 0,
+			locationCity: '',
+			locationCityCode: '',
+			recommendTopsM: [],
+			recommendTopsH: [],
+			recommendList: [],
+			recommendTotal: 0,
+			recommendRefreshing: false,
+			recommendTriggered: true,
+			nearTopsM: [],
+			nearTopsH: [],
+			nearList: [],
+			nearTotal: 0,
+			nearRefreshing: false,
+			nearTriggered: true,
+			otherInfo: null
+		};
+	},
+	computed: {
+		statusBarHeight() {
+			return this.$store.state.statusBarHeight || 20;
+		},
+		topbarOffsetHeight() {
+			return this.$store.state.topbarOffsetHeight || 40;
+		},
+		userInfo() {
+			return this.$store.state.userInfo || {};
+		}
+	},
+	onLoad(options) {
+		console.log('options', options)
+		// if(options.invite){
+		// 	uni.setStorageSync('invited',options.invite);
+		// }
+		// uni.showLoading({
+		// 	mask:true,
+		// 	title:'加载中1'
+		// })
+		// this.$api.public.aliossCdn({}).then(cdnRes=>{
+		// 	console.log('cdnRes',cdnRes)
+		// 	this.$store.commit('setImageCdn',;
+		// 	this.$store.commit('setVideoCdn',;
+		// 	uni.setStorageSync('imageCdn',;
+		// 	uni.setStorageSync('videoCdn',;
+		// }).catch((error)=>{
+		// 	console.log('error---aliossCdn',error)
+		// });
+		console.log('----onLoad---')
+		this.login();
+		// this.computedScollviewHeight();
+		// this.getNearTopsMData();
+		// this.getNearTopsHData();
+		// this.getRecommendTopsMData();
+		// this.getRecommendTopsHData();
+		// this.getNearList();
+		// this.getRecommendList();
+		this.showGetLocation = false;
+	},
+	created(){
+		this.$nextTick(() => {
+			this.computedScollviewHeight();
+			this.getNearTopsMData();
+			this.getNearTopsHData();
+			this.getRecommendTopsMData();
+			this.getRecommendTopsHData();
+			this.getNearList();
+			this.getRecommendList();
+		})
+		// this.computedScollviewHeight();
+		// this.getNearTopsMData();
+		// this.getNearTopsHData();
+		// this.getRecommendTopsMData();
+		// this.getRecommendTopsHData();
+	},
+	onShow() {
+		if (uni.getStorageSync('needFreshList') === '1') {
+			this.recommendRefresh();
+			this.nearRefresh();
+			uni.setStorageSync('needFreshList', '0');
+		}
+	},
+	// #ifdef MP
+	onShareAppMessage() {
+		return {
+			title: '糖果公园',
+			path: `/pages/login/login?share=${this.userInfo.inviteCode}`,
+		}
+	},
+	// #endif
+	methods: {
+		getMineData(z = {}) {
+			let user = uni.getStorageSync('user');
+			console.log('user', user)
+			// let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
+			this.$api.public.mineDetail({
+				getAlbum: true,
+				completeUser: z
+			}).then(res => {
+				console.log('res---mineDetail', res)
+				this.$store.commit('setUserInfo',;
+				uni.setStorageSync('userInfo', JSON.stringify(;
+				if (! {
+					uni.reLaunch({
+						url: '/pages/info/sex'
+					})
+					return;
+				}
+			}).catch((error) => {
+				console.log('error---mineDetail', error)
+			});
+		},
+		login() {
+			const that = this;
+			// if(uni.getStorageSync('isLogin')==='yes'){
+			// 	console.log('uni.getStorageSync(isLogin)',uni.getStorageSync('isLogin'))
+			// 	this.getMineData();
+			// 	this.computedLocation();
+			// 	return;
+			// }
+			this.$api.login.wxLogin({
+				scene: "VerCodeLogin",
+				verCodeLogin: {
+					phone: '18086848344',
+					verCode: '230414'
+				}
+			}).then(result => {
+				console.log('result--------', result)
+				if (result.status === 'Succ') {
+					console.log('进来了--------')
+					uni.setStorageSync('openId',;
+					uni.setStorageSync('unionId',;
+					// this.computedLocation();
+					// this.getRecommendTopsMData();
+					// this.getRecommendTopsHData();
+					uni.setStorageSync('LL_Ukn',;
+					uni.setStorageSync('LL_Okn',;
+					uni.setStorageSync('LL_Tkn',;
+					uni.setStorageSync('isLogin', 'yes');
+					// uni.setStorageSync('LL_Csi',JSON.stringify({
+					// 	"id",
+					// 	"phone",
+					// 	"nick",
+					// 	"sex"
+					// }));
+					// this.getMineData(;
+				} else {
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: result.message,
+						icon: 'none'
+					})
+				}
+			}).catch((error) => {
+				console.log('error---wxLogin', error)
+			});
+			// uni.login({//免密登录
+			// 	success:(res)=>{
+			// 		that.$api.login.wxLogin({
+			// 			scene: "WxMPLogin",
+			// 			miniProgramEncryUserInfoParam:{
+			// 				jsCode:res.code
+			// 			}
+			// 		}).then(result=>{
+			// 			console.log('result',result)
+			// 			if(result.status==='Succ'){
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('openId',;
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('unionId',;
+			// 				this.computedLocation();
+			// 				this.getRecommendTopsMData();
+			// 				this.getRecommendTopsHData();
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('LL_Ukn',;
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('token',;
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',JSON.stringify(;
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('user',JSON.stringify(;
+			// 				uni.setStorageSync('isLogin','yes');
+			// 				this.$api.public.aliossCdn({}).then(cdnRes=>{
+			// 					this.$store.commit('setImageCdn',;
+			// 					this.$store.commit('setVideoCdn',;
+			// 				})
+			// 			}
+			// 		}).catch((error)=>{
+			// 			console.log('uni.login',error)
+			// 		})
+			// 	},
+			// 	fail: (err) => {
+			// 		console.log('免密登录11',err)
+			// 	}
+			// });
+		},
+		closePopup() {
+			this.$refs.popup.close();
+		},
+		imInit() {
+			/**
+			 * IM初始化
+			 */
+			// if(uni.$TUIKit){
+			// 	uni.$TUIKit.logout();
+			// }
+			const SDKAppID = this.$util.IMSDKCode, that = this;
+			uni.$TUIKit = TIM.create({
+			});
+			uni.$TUIKitTIM = TIM;
+			uni.$TUIKitEvent = TIM.EVENT;
+			uni.$TUIKitVersion = TIM.VERSION;
+			uni.$TUIKitTypes = TIM.TYPES; // 监听系统级事件
+			uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_READY, this.onSDKReady);
+			uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_NOT_READY, this.onSdkNotReady);
+			uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.KICKED_OUT, this.onKickedOut);
+			uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.ERROR, this.onTIMError);
+			uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.NET_STATE_CHANGE, this.onNetStateChange);
+			uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_RELOAD, this.onSDKReload);
+			uni.$resetLoginData = this.resetLoginData();
+			uni.$TUIKit.registerPlugin({ 'tim-upload-plugin': TIMUploadPlugin });
-		onLoad(options) {
-			console.log('options',options)
-			if(options.invite){
-				uni.setStorageSync('invited',options.invite);
+		resetLoginData() {
+			if (!uni.getStorageSync('userInfo')) {
+				return;
-			uni.showLoading({
-				mask:true,
-				title:'加载中'
+			let user = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('userInfo'));
+			this.$api.IM.loadSig({}).then(res => {
+				this.$store.commit('setImLoadSig',;
+				uni.$TUIKit.login({
+					userID: String(,
+					userSig: this.$store.state.IMloadSig
+				})
+			}).catch((err) => {
+				console.log('IM.loadSig', err)
-			this.$api.public.aliossCdn({}).then(cdnRes=>{
-				console.log('cdnRes',cdnRes)
-				this.$store.commit('setImageCdn',;
-				this.$store.commit('setVideoCdn',;
-				uni.setStorageSync('imageCdn',;
-				uni.setStorageSync('videoCdn',;
-			}).catch((error)=>{
-				console.log('error---aliossCdn',error)
+		},
+		onTIMError(error) {
+		},
+		onSDKReady({ name }) {
+			const isSDKReady = name === uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_READY ? true : false;
+			if (isSDKReady) {
+				uni.$emit('isSDKReady', {
+					isSDKReady: true
+				});
+				uni.hideLoading();
+			}
+		},
+		onNetStateChange() { },
+		onSDKReload() { },
+		onSdkNotReady() { },
+		onKickedOut() {
+			uni.showToast({
+				title: '您被踢下线',
+				icon: 'error'
-			this.login();
-			this.computedScollviewHeight();
+			uni.reLaunch({
+				url: '/pages/login/login'
+			})
-		onShow() {
-			if(uni.getStorageSync('needFreshList')==='1'){
-				this.recommendRefresh();
-				this.nearRefresh();
-				uni.setStorageSync('needFreshList','0');
+		/**
+		 * 推荐下拉刷新、加载更多
+		 */
+		recommendRefresh() {
+			if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) {
+				setTimeout(() => {
+					this.recommendTriggered = false;
+					this.recommendRefreshing = false;
+				}, 1000)
+				return;
+			}
+			if (this.recommendRefreshing) {
+				return;
+			}
+			this.recommendRefreshing = true;
+			setTimeout(() => {
+				this.recommendTriggered = false;
+				this.recommendRefreshing = false;
+			}, 1000)
+ = {
+				index: 1,
+				size: 20,
+				sortValues: []
+			this.getRecommendTopsMData();
+			this.getRecommendTopsHData();
+			// this.getRecommendList();
-		// #ifdef MP
-		onShareAppMessage(){
-			return {
-				title: '糖果公园',
-				path: `/pages/login/login?share=${this.userInfo.inviteCode}`,
+		recommendPulling(e) { },
+		recommendRestore() { this.recommendTriggered = true; },
+		recommendAbort() { },
+		recommendToBottom() {
+			if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) { return; }
+			if (this.recommendList.length >= this.recommendTotal) { return; }
+			// this.getRecommendList();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * 附近下拉刷新、加载更多
+		 */
+		nearRefresh() {
+			console.log('----附近下拉刷新、加载更多')
+			if (this.nearRefreshing) {
+				return;
+			}
+			this.nearRefreshing = true;
+			setTimeout(() => {
+				this.nearTriggered = false;
+				this.nearRefreshing = false;
+			}, 1000)
+ = {
+				index: 1,
+				size: 20,
+				sortValues: []
+			this.getNearTopsMData();
+			this.getNearTopsHData();
+			// this.getNearList();
-		// #endif
-		methods: {
-			getMineData(){
-				let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
-				this.$api.public.mineDetail({
-					getAlbum:true,
-					completeUser:user
-				}).then(res=>{
-					this.$store.commit('setUserInfo',;
-					uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',JSON.stringify(;
-					if(!{
-						uni.reLaunch({
-							url:'/pages/info/sex'
-						})
-						return;
-					}
-				})
-			},
-			login(){
-				const that=this;
-				if(uni.getStorageSync('isLogin')==='yes'){
-					console.log('uni.getStorageSync(isLogin)',uni.getStorageSync('isLogin'))
-					this.getMineData();
-					this.computedLocation();
-					return;
-				}
-				uni.login({//免密登录
-					success:(res)=>{
-						that.$api.login.wxLogin({
-							scene: "WxMPLogin",
-							miniProgramEncryUserInfoParam:{
-								jsCode:res.code
+		nearPulling(e) { },
+		nearRestore() { this.nearTriggered = true; },
+		nearAbort() { },
+		nearToBottom() {
+			if (this.nearList.length >= this.nearTotal) { return; }
+			// this.getNearList();
+		},
+		/**
+		 * 计算scroll高度
+		 */
+		computedScollviewHeight() {
+			this.scrollHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight - this.$store.state.tabbarHeight;
+			console.log(this.scrollHeight)
+			// let query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
+			// let heightLeaf = this.$store.state.tabbarHeight/2;
+			//'#topnav').boundingClientRect(data => {
+			// 	heightLeaf += data.height;
+			// }).exec(() => {
+			// 	let sysInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+			// 	this.scrollHeight = sysInfo.windowHeight - heightLeaf;
+			// });
+		},
+		/**
+		 * 计算列表定位距离
+		 */
+		computedLocation() {
+			uni.getFuzzyLocation({
+				type: 'gcj02',
+				success: res => {
+					wxMapSdk.reverseGeocoder({
+						location: {
+							latitude: res.latitude,
+							longitude: res.longitude
+						},
+						success: result => {
+							this.locationCity =;
+							this.latitude =;
+							this.longitude = result.result.location.lng;
+							this.$store.commit('setLatitude',;
+							this.$store.commit('setLongitude', result.result.location.lng);
+							uni.setStorageSync('latitude',;
+							uni.setStorageSync('longitude', result.result.location.lng);
+							uni.setStorageSync('city', this.locationCity);
+							this.locationCityCode = result.result.ad_info.city_code.split(result.result.ad_info.nation_code)[1];
+							if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) {
+								this.getTempRecommendList();
-						}).then(result=>{
-							console.log('result',result)
-							if(result.status==='Succ'){
-								uni.setStorageSync('openId',;
-								uni.setStorageSync('unionId',;
-								this.computedLocation();
+							else {
+								this.getNearTopsMData();
+								this.getNearTopsHData();
-								uni.setStorageSync('LL_Ukn',;
-								uni.setStorageSync('token',;
-								uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',JSON.stringify(;
-								uni.setStorageSync('user',JSON.stringify(;
-								uni.setStorageSync('isLogin','yes');
-								this.$api.public.aliossCdn({}).then(cdnRes=>{
-									this.$store.commit('setImageCdn',;
-									this.$store.commit('setVideoCdn',;
+								// this.getNearList();
+								// this.getRecommendList();
+								this.showGetLocation = false;
+								setTimeout(() => {
+									this.imInit();
+								}, 2000)
+							}
+						}
+					})
+				},
+				fail: err => {
+					this.showGetLocation = true;
+					uni.showModal({
+						content: '检测到您没打开地址信息权限,是否去设置打开?',
+						confirmText: "确认",
+						cancelText: '取消',
+						success: res => {
+							if (res.confirm) {
+								uni.openSetting({
+									success: ress => {
+										if (ress.authSetting) {
+											this.computedLocation();
+										}
+									}
-						}).catch((error)=>{
-							console.log('uni.login',error)
-						})
-					},
-					fail: (err) => {
-						console.log('免密登录',err)
-					}
-				});
-			},
-			closePopup(){
-				this.$refs.popup.close();
-			},
-			imInit(){
-				/**
-				 * IM初始化
-				 */
-				if(uni.$TUIKit){
-					uni.$TUIKit.logout();
-				}
-				const SDKAppID = this.$util.IMSDKCode,that=this;
-				uni.$TUIKit = TIM.create({
-					SDKAppID: SDKAppID
-				});
-				uni.$TUIKitTIM = TIM;
-				uni.$TUIKitEvent = TIM.EVENT;
-				uni.$TUIKitVersion = TIM.VERSION;
-				uni.$TUIKitTypes = TIM.TYPES; // 监听系统级事件
-				uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_READY, this.onSDKReady);
-				uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_NOT_READY, this.onSdkNotReady);
-				uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.KICKED_OUT, this.onKickedOut);
-				uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.ERROR, this.onTIMError);
-				uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.NET_STATE_CHANGE, this.onNetStateChange);
-				uni.$TUIKit.on(uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_RELOAD, this.onSDKReload);
-				uni.$resetLoginData = this.resetLoginData();
-				uni.$TUIKit.registerPlugin({ 'tim-upload-plugin':TIMUploadPlugin });
-			},
-			resetLoginData() {
-				if(!uni.getStorageSync('userInfo')){
-					return;
-				}
-				let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('userInfo'));
-				this.$api.IM.loadSig({}).then(res=>{
-					this.$store.commit('setImLoadSig',;
-					uni.$TUIKit.login({
-						userID:String(,
-						userSig:this.$store.state.IMloadSig
+						}
-				}).catch((err)=>{
-					console.log('IM.loadSig',err)
-				})
-			},
-			onTIMError(error) {
-			},
-			onSDKReady({name}) {
-				const isSDKReady = name === uni.$TUIKitEvent.SDK_READY ? true : false;
-				if(isSDKReady){
-					uni.$emit('isSDKReady', {
-						isSDKReady: true
-					});
-					uni.hideLoading();
-			},
-			onNetStateChange() {},
-			onSDKReload() {},
-			onSdkNotReady() {},
-			onKickedOut() {
-				uni.showToast({
-					title: '您被踢下线',
-					icon: 'error'
-				});
-				uni.reLaunch({
-					url: '/pages/login/login'
-				})
-			},
-			/**
-			 * 推荐下拉刷新、加载更多
-			 */
-			recommendRefresh(){
-				if(!uni.getStorageSync('token')){
-					setTimeout(() => {
-						this.recommendTriggered = false;
-						this.recommendRefreshing = false;
-					}, 1000)
-					return;
-				}
-				if (this.recommendRefreshing) 
-				{
-					return;
-				}
-				this.recommendRefreshing = true;
-				setTimeout(() => {
-					this.recommendTriggered = false;
-					this.recommendRefreshing = false;
-				}, 1000)
-					index:1,
-					size:20,
-					sortValues:[]
-				}
-				this.getRecommendTopsMData();
-				this.getRecommendTopsHData();
-				this.getRecommendList();
-			},
-			recommendPulling(e) {},
-			recommendRestore() {this.recommendTriggered = true;},
-			recommendAbort() {},
-			recommendToBottom(){
-				if(!uni.getStorageSync('token')){return;}
-				if(this.recommendList.length>=this.recommendTotal){return;}
-				this.getRecommendList();
-			},
-			/**
-			 * 附近下拉刷新、加载更多
-			 */
-			nearRefresh(){
-				if (this.nearRefreshing) 
-				{
-					return;
+			})
+		},
+		toLogin() {
+			uni.reLaunch({
+				url: '/pages/login/login'
+			})
+		},
+		navClick(index) {
+			if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) {
+				this.popup = {
+					content1: '您还未登录',
+					content2: '该功能登录后才能使用',
+					tip1: '',
+					tip2: '',
+					btntext: '去登录'
-				this.nearRefreshing = true;
-				setTimeout(() => {
-					this.nearTriggered = false;
-					this.nearRefreshing = false;
-				}, 1000)
-					index:1,
-					size:20,
-					sortValues:[]
+				this.$;
+				return;
+			}
+ = (index === 0 ? '' : this.locationCity);
+			this.rankingOptions.cityCode = (index === 0 ? '' : this.locationCityCode);
+			this.navIndex = index;
+		},
+		toSearch() {
+			if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) {
+				this.popup = {
+					content1: '您还未登录',
+					content2: '该功能登录后才能使用',
+					tip1: '',
+					tip2: '',
+					btntext: '去登录'
-				this.getNearTopsMData();
-				this.getNearTopsHData();
-				this.getNearList();
-			},
-			nearPulling(e) {},
-			nearRestore() {this.nearTriggered = true;},
-			nearAbort() {},
-			nearToBottom(){
-				if(this.nearList.length>=this.nearTotal){return;}
-				this.getNearList();
-			},
-			/**
-			 * 计算scroll高度
-			 */
-			computedScollviewHeight() {
-				let query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
-				let heightLeaf = this.$store.state.tabbarHeight/2;
-'#topnav').boundingClientRect(data => {
-					heightLeaf += data.height;
-				}).exec(() => {
-					let sysInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
-					this.scrollHeight = sysInfo.windowHeight - heightLeaf;
-				});
+				this.$;
+				return;
+			}
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: '/pages/search/search'
+			})
+		},
+		topsNavClick(index) {
+			this.topsIndex = index;
+		},
+		outerSwiperChange(e) {
+			this.navIndex = e.detail.current;
+		},
+		swiperChange(e) {
+			this.topsIndex = e.detail.current;
+		},
+		getRecommendTopsMData() {
+			this.rankingOptions.type = 'M';
+			this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res => {
+				console.log('recommendTopsM',res)
+				// console.log('--------getRecommendTopsMData------mmm',res)
+				this.recommendTopsM =;
+			}).catch(err => {
+				console.log('getRecommendTopsMData---', err)
+			})
+		},
+		getRecommendTopsHData() {
+			this.rankingOptions.type = 'H';
+			this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res => {
+				console.log('recommendTopsH', res)
+				this.recommendTopsH =;
+			})
+		},
+		getNearTopsMData() {
+			this.rankingOptions.type = 'M';
+ = this.locationCity;
+			this.rankingOptions.cityCode = this.locationCityCode;
+			this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res => {
+				console.log('nearTopsM', res)
+				this.nearTopsM =;
+			})
+		},
+		getNearTopsHData() {
+			this.rankingOptions.type = 'H';
+ = this.locationCity;
+			this.rankingOptions.cityCode = this.locationCityCode;
+			this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res => {
+				console.log('-------getNearTopsHData', res)
+				this.nearTopsH =;
+			})
+		},
+		getTempRecommendList() {//获取免登录体验数据
+			this.recommendListOptions.type = 'FamaleReco';
+			this.$api.public.friendsNoAuth(this.recommendListOptions).then(res => {
+				if (res.status === 'Succ') {
+					uni.hideLoading();
+					this.recommendTotal =;
+ =;
-			},
-			/**
-			 * 计算列表定位距离
-			 */
-			computedLocation(){
-					uni.getFuzzyLocation({
-						type:'gcj02',
-						success:res=>{
-							wxMapSdk.reverseGeocoder({
-								location:{
-									latitude:res.latitude,
-									longitude:res.longitude
-								},
-								success:result=>{
-									this.longitude=result.result.location.lng;
-									this.$store.commit('setLatitude',;
-									this.$store.commit('setLongitude',result.result.location.lng);
-									uni.setStorageSync('latitude',;
-									uni.setStorageSync('longitude',result.result.location.lng);
-									uni.setStorageSync('city',this.locationCity);
-									this.locationCityCode=result.result.ad_info.city_code.split(result.result.ad_info.nation_code)[1];
-									if(!uni.getStorageSync('token')){
-										this.getTempRecommendList();
-									}
-									else{
-										this.getNearTopsMData();
-										this.getNearTopsHData();
-										this.getRecommendTopsMData();
-										this.getRecommendTopsHData();
-										this.getNearList();
-										this.getRecommendList();
-										this.showGetLocation=false;
-										setTimeout(()=>{
-											this.imInit();
-										},2000)
-									}
-								}
-							})
+					let arr = [], obj = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
+					for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+[i].lastActiveTime = this.$moment(new Date()).diff([i].lastActive, 'minutes');
+						obj = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
+						obj.latitude =[i];
+						obj.longitude =[i].geo.lon;
+						arr.push(obj)
+					}
+					wxMapSdk.calculateDistance({
+						mode: 'straight',
+						from: {
+							latitude: this.latitude,
+							longitude: this.longitude
-						fail:err=>{
-							this.showGetLocation=true;
-							uni.showModal({
-								content: '检测到您没打开地址信息权限,是否去设置打开?',
-								confirmText: "确认",
-								cancelText: '取消',
-								success:res=>{
-									if(res.confirm){
-										uni.openSetting({
-											success:ress=>{
-												if(ress.authSetting){
-													this.computedLocation();
-												}
-											}
-										})
-									}
+						to: arr,
+						success: dists => {
+							if (dists.message === "query ok") {
+								for (let j = 0; j < dists.result.elements.length; j++) {
+[j].distance = (dists.result.elements[j].distance > 1000 ? `${Math.floor(dists.result.elements[j].distance / 100) / 10}km` : `${dists.result.elements[j].distance}m`)
+								}
+								if ( > 1) {
+									this.recommendList = [...this.recommendList,];
-							})
+								else {
+									this.recommendList =;
+								}
+								this.$forceUpdate();
+							}
-			},
-			toLogin(){
-				uni.reLaunch({
-					url:'/pages/login/login'
-				})
-			},
-			navClick(index){
-				if(!uni.getStorageSync('token')){
-					this.popup={
-						content1:'您还未登录',
-						content2:'该功能登录后才能使用',
-						tip1:'',
-						tip2:'',
-						btntext:'去登录'
-					}
-					this.$;
-					return;
+					this.recommendList =;
-				this.rankingOptions.cityCode=(index===0?'':this.locationCityCode);
-				this.navIndex=index;
-			},
-			toSearch(){
-				if(!uni.getStorageSync('token')){
-					this.popup={
-						content1:'您还未登录',
-						content2:'该功能登录后才能使用',
-						tip1:'',
-						tip2:'',
-						btntext:'去登录'
+			})
+		},
+		getRecommendList() {
+			// let user = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
+			// this.recommendListOptions.type = === 'male' ? 'MaleReco' : 'FamaleReco';
+			this.recommendListOptions.type = 'FamaleReco'
+ = this.locationCity;
+			this.recommendListOptions.queryPre.cityCode = this.locationCityCode;
+ = this.latitude;
+			this.recommendListOptions.queryPre.geo.lon = this.longitude;
+			this.$api.public.friends(this.recommendListOptions).then(res => {
+				if (res.status === 'Succ') {
+					this.recommendTotal =;
+ =;
+					let arr = [], obj = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
+					for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+[i].lastActiveTime = this.$moment(new Date()).diff([i].lastActive, 'minutes');
+						obj = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
+						obj.latitude =[i];
+						obj.longitude =[i].geo.lon;
+						arr.push(obj)
-					this.$;
-					return;
-				}
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url:'/pages/search/search'
-				})
-			},
-			topsNavClick(index){
-				this.topsIndex=index;
-			},
-			outerSwiperChange(e){
-				this.navIndex=e.detail.current;
-			},
-			swiperChange(e){
-				this.topsIndex=e.detail.current;
-			},
-			getRecommendTopsMData(){
-				this.rankingOptions.type='M';
-				this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res=>{
-				})
-			},
-			getRecommendTopsHData(){
-				this.rankingOptions.type='H';
-				this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res=>{
-				})
-			},
-			getNearTopsMData(){
-				this.rankingOptions.type='M';
-				this.rankingOptions.cityCode=this.locationCityCode;
-				this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res=>{
-				})
-			},
-			getNearTopsHData(){
-				this.rankingOptions.type='H';
-				this.rankingOptions.cityCode=this.locationCityCode;
-				this.$api.public.ranking(this.rankingOptions).then(res=>{
-				})
-			},
-			getTempRecommendList(){//获取免登录体验数据
-				this.recommendListOptions.type='FamaleReco';
-				this.$api.public.friendsNoAuth(this.recommendListOptions).then(res=>{
-					if(res.status==='Succ'){
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						let arr=[],obj={latitude:0,longitude:0};
-						for(let i=0;i<;i++){
-[i].lastActiveTime=this.$moment(new Date()).diff([i].lastActive,'minutes');
-							obj={latitude:0,longitude:0};
-							arr.push(obj)
-						}
-						wxMapSdk.calculateDistance({
-							mode:'straight',
-							from:{
-								latitude: this.latitude,
-								longitude: this.longitude
-							},
-							to:arr,
-							success:dists=>{
-								if(dists.message==="query ok"){
-									for(let j=0;j<dists.result.elements.length;j++){
-	[j].distance=(dists.result.elements[j].distance>1000?`${Math.floor(dists.result.elements[j].distance/100)/10}km`:`${dists.result.elements[j].distance}m`)
-									}
-									if(>1){
-										this.recommendList=[...this.recommendList,];
-									}
-									else{
-									}
-									this.$forceUpdate();
+					wxMapSdk.calculateDistance({
+						mode: 'straight',
+						from: {
+							latitude: this.latitude,
+							longitude: this.longitude
+						},
+						to: arr,
+						success: dists => {
+							if (dists.message === "query ok") {
+								for (let j = 0; j < dists.result.elements.length; j++) {
+[j].distance = (dists.result.elements[j].distance > 1000 ? `${Math.floor(dists.result.elements[j].distance / 100) / 10}km` : `${dists.result.elements[j].distance}m`)
-							}
-						})
-					}
-				})
-			},
-			getRecommendList(){
-				let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
-				this.recommendListOptions.queryPre.cityCode=this.locationCityCode;
-				this.recommendListOptions.queryPre.geo.lon=this.longitude;
-				this.$api.public.friends(this.recommendListOptions).then(res=>{
-					if(res.status==='Succ'){
-						let arr=[],obj={latitude:0,longitude:0};
-						for(let i=0;i<;i++){
-[i].lastActiveTime=this.$moment(new Date()).diff([i].lastActive,'minutes');
-							obj={latitude:0,longitude:0};
-							arr.push(obj)
-						}
-						wxMapSdk.calculateDistance({
-							mode:'straight',
-							from:{
-								latitude: this.latitude,
-								longitude: this.longitude
-							},
-							to:arr,
-							success:dists=>{
-								if(dists.message==="query ok"){
-									for(let j=0;j<dists.result.elements.length;j++){
-	[j].distance=(dists.result.elements[j].distance>1000?`${Math.floor(dists.result.elements[j].distance/100)/10}km`:`${dists.result.elements[j].distance}m`)
-									}
-									if(>1){
-										this.recommendList=[...this.recommendList,];
-									}
-									else{
-									}
-									uni.hideLoading();
-									this.$forceUpdate();
+								if ( > 1) {
+									this.recommendList = [...this.recommendList,];
+								}
+								else {
+									this.recommendList =;
+								uni.hideLoading();
+								this.$forceUpdate();
-						})
-					}
-				})
-			},
-			getNearList(){
-				let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
-				this.nearListOptions.queryPre.cityCode=this.locationCityCode;
-				this.nearListOptions.queryPre.geo.lon=this.longitude;
-				this.$api.public.friends(this.nearListOptions).then(res=>{
-					if(res.status==='Succ'&&>0){
-						let arr=[],obj={latitude:0,longitude:0};
-						for(let i=0;i<;i++){
-[i].lastActiveTime=this.$moment(new Date()).diff([i].lastActive,'minutes');
-							obj={latitude:0,longitude:0};
-							arr.push(obj)
-						wxMapSdk.calculateDistance({
-							mode:'straight',
-							from:{
-								latitude: this.latitude,
-								longitude: this.longitude
-							},
-							to:arr,
-							success:dists=>{
-								if(dists.message==="query ok"){
-									for(let j=0;j<dists.result.elements.length;j++){
-	[j].distance=(dists.result.elements[j].distance>1000?`${Math.floor(dists.result.elements[j].distance/100)/10}km`:`${dists.result.elements[j].distance}m`)
-									}
-									if(>1){
-										this.nearList=[...this.nearList,];
-									}
-									else{
-									}
-									uni.hideLoading()
-									this.$forceUpdate();
+					})
+				}
+			})
+		},
+		getNearList() {
+			// console.log('------------------------------------------------------------gggg')
+			// let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
+			//'male'?'MaleNearby':'FamaleNearby';
+			this.nearListOptions.type = 'FamaleNearby'
+ = this.locationCity;
+			this.nearListOptions.queryPre.cityCode = this.locationCityCode;
+ = this.latitude;
+			this.nearListOptions.queryPre.geo.lon = this.longitude;
+			console.log('---1046', this.nearListOptions)
+			this.$api.public.friends(this.nearListOptions).then(res => {
+				console.log('--------getNearList', res)
+				if (res.status === 'Succ' && > 0) {
+					this.nearTotal =;
+ =;
+					this.showNoData = === 0 ? true : false;
+					let arr = [], obj = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
+					for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+[i].lastActiveTime = this.$moment(new Date()).diff([i].lastActive, 'minutes');
+						obj = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
+						obj.latitude =[i];
+						obj.longitude =[i].geo.lon;
+						arr.push(obj)
+					}
+					wxMapSdk.calculateDistance({
+						mode: 'straight',
+						from: {
+							latitude: this.latitude,
+							longitude: this.longitude
+						},
+						to: arr,
+						success: dists => {
+							if (dists.message === "query ok") {
+								for (let j = 0; j < dists.result.elements.length; j++) {
+[j].distance = (dists.result.elements[j].distance > 1000 ? `${Math.floor(dists.result.elements[j].distance / 100) / 10}km` : `${dists.result.elements[j].distance}m`)
+								if ( > 1) {
+									this.nearList = [...this.nearList,];
+								}
+								else {
+									this.nearList =;
+								}
+								uni.hideLoading()
+								this.$forceUpdate();
-						})
-					}
-					else{
-						this.showNoData=this.nearList.length===0?true:false;
-					}
-				})
-			},
-			toDetail(id){
-				if(!uni.getStorageSync('token')){
-					this.popup={
-						content1:'您还未登录',
-						content2:'该功能登录后才能使用',
-						tip1:'',
-						tip2:'',
-						btntext:'去登录'
-					}
-					this.$;
+						}
+					})
+				}
+				else {
+					this.showNoData = this.nearList.length === 0 ? true : false;
+				}
+			}).catch(err => {
+				// this.showNoData=this.nearList.length===0?true:false;
+				console.log('err1094', err)
+			})
+		},
+		toDetail(id) {
+			if (!uni.getStorageSync('token')) {
+				this.popup = {
+					content1: '您还未登录',
+					content2: '该功能登录后才能使用',
+					tip1: '',
+					tip2: '',
+					btntext: '去登录'
+				}
+				this.$;
+				return;
+			}
+			uni.showLoading({})
+			let user = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
+			this.$api.public.userDetail({ getAlbum: true, completeUser: user, uponUserId: id }).then(res => {
+				if ( {
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: '该用户已被冻结',
+						icon: 'none'
+					});
-				uni.showLoading({})
-				let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
-				this.$api.public.userDetail({getAlbum:true,completeUser:user,uponUserId:id}).then(res=>{
-					if({
-						uni.showToast({
-							title:'该用户已被冻结',
-							icon:'none'
-						});
-						return;
-					}
-					if({
-						uni.showToast({
-							title:'同性用户不能查看主页',
-							icon:'none'
-						})
-					}
-					else{
-						uni.setStorageSync('otherInfo',JSON.stringify(;
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url:`/pages/friends/user?id=${id}`
-						})
-					}
-				})
-			},
-		}
+				if ( === {
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: '同性用户不能查看主页',
+						icon: 'none'
+					})
+				}
+				else {
+					uni.setStorageSync('otherInfo', JSON.stringify(;
+					uni.hideLoading();
+					uni.navigateTo({
+						url: `/pages/friends/user?id=${id}`
+					})
+				}
+			})
+		},
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-								color: $fontcolor5;
-							}
-							.name-img{
-								width: 68rpx;
-								height: 32rpx;
-								margin-left: 8rpx;
-							}
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-								width: 76rpx;
-								height: 40rpx;
-								margin-left: 8rpx;
-								transform: translateY(-5rpx);
-							}
-						}
-						.distance{
-							color: $fontcolor3;
-						}
-					}
-					.sex-box{
-						padding: 0 15rpx;
-						height: 32rpx;
-						background: rgba(226, 53, 104, 0.2);
-						border-radius: 25rpx;
-						margin-top: 12rpx;
-						.sex-img{
-							width: 24rpx;
-							height: 24rpx;
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+					width: 24rpx;
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+					background-color: aqua;
+					bottom: 2rpx;
+					right: 2rpx;
+					border: 2rpx solid $bgcolor2;
+				}
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+				box-sizing: border-box;
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+				display: flex;
+				justify-content: flex-start;
+				align-items: flex-start;
+				.name-box {
+					width: 100%;
+					.name {
+						.name-text {
+							color: $fontcolor5;
-						.sex-text1{
-							color:#E23568;
-							margin-left: 4rpx;
+						.name-img {
+							width: 68rpx;
+							height: 32rpx;
+							margin-left: 8rpx;
-						.sex-text2{
-							color:#6C52F4;
-							margin-left: 4rpx;
+						.name-img-godness {
+							width: 76rpx;
+							height: 40rpx;
+							margin-left: 8rpx;
+							transform: translateY(-5rpx);
-					.tip-box{
+					.distance {
 						color: $fontcolor3;
-						width: 100%;
-						margin-top: 10rpx;
-				.img-box{
-					width: 544rpx;
-					height: 168rpx;
-					margin-left: 168rpx;
-					margin-top: 24rpx;
-					.ib1{
-						width: 168rpx;
-						height: 168rpx;
-						border-radius: 16rpx 0rpx 0rpx 16rpx;
-						background: $fontcolor5;
+				.sex-box {
+					padding: 0 15rpx;
+					height: 32rpx;
+					background: rgba(226, 53, 104, 0.2);
+					border-radius: 25rpx;
+					margin-top: 12rpx;
+					.sex-img {
+						width: 24rpx;
+						height: 24rpx;
-					.ib2{
-						width: 168rpx;
-						height: 168rpx;
-						background: $fontcolor5;
+					.sex-text1 {
+						color: #E23568;
+						margin-left: 4rpx;
-					.ib3{
-						width: 168rpx;
-						height: 168rpx;
-						border-radius: 0rpx 16rpx 16rpx 0rpx;
-						background: $fontcolor5;
+					.sex-text2 {
+						color: #6C52F4;
+						margin-left: 4rpx;
+				.tip-box {
+					color: $fontcolor3;
+					width: 100%;
+					margin-top: 10rpx;
+				}
+			}
+			.img-box {
+				width: 544rpx;
+				height: 168rpx;
+				margin-left: 168rpx;
+				margin-top: 24rpx;
+				.ib1 {
+					width: 168rpx;
+					height: 168rpx;
+					border-radius: 16rpx 0rpx 0rpx 16rpx;
+					background: $fontcolor5;
+				}
+				.ib2 {
+					width: 168rpx;
+					height: 168rpx;
+					background: $fontcolor5;
+				}
+				.ib3 {
+					width: 168rpx;
+					height: 168rpx;
+					border-radius: 0rpx 16rpx 16rpx 0rpx;
+					background: $fontcolor5;
+				}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
-					title:'加载中'
+					title:'加载中2'
 				let pages = getCurrentPages();
 				let prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2];

+ 240 - 216

@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
 	<view class="container">
-		<video :src="`${assetsUrl}login_bg${parseInt(Math.random()*6)+1}.mp4`" class="l-video" autoplay loop :controls="false" muted object-fit="cover" :enable-progress-gesture="false">
+		<video :src="`${assetsUrl}login_bg${parseInt(Math.random() * 6) + 1}.mp4`" class="l-video" autoplay loop
+			:controls="false" muted object-fit="cover" :enable-progress-gesture="false">
 			<image class="lv-logo" :src="`${assetsUrl}login-sugar.png`"></image>
-		<view class="lv-box flex-center">
+		<!-- <view class="lv-box flex-center">
 			<image class="lv-wechat" :src="`${assetsUrl}login-ph.png`" @click="toPhoneLogin"></image>
 			<button class="btn" open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="bindGetPhoneNumber">
 				<image class="lv-phone" :src="`${assetsUrl}login-we.png`" ></image>
-		</view>
+		</view> -->
+		<button class="btn" open-type="getPhoneNumber" @click="bindGetPhoneNumber">
+			手机号登录
+		</button>
 		<view class="lv-pro font22">
 			登录即代表您已阅读并同意<text @click="toUserService">《用户服务协议》</text> 和 <text @click="toPrivate">《隐私政策》</text>
@@ -17,257 +21,277 @@
-	export default {
-		data() {
-			return {
-				assetsUrl:this.$util.assetsUrl
-			}
-		},
-		mounted() {
+export default {
+	data() {
+		return {
+			assetsUrl: this.$util.assetsUrl
+		}
+	},
+	mounted() {
+	},
+	methods: {
+		toPhoneLogin() {
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: '/pages/login/loginByPhone'
+			})
-		methods: {
-			toPhoneLogin(){
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url:'/pages/login/loginByPhone'
-				})
-			},
-			bindGetPhoneNumber(e){
-				console.log(e.detail);
-				uni.showLoading({
-					mask:true,
-					title:'正在登录'
-				})
-				uni.login({//免密登录
-					success:(res)=>{
-						this.$api.login.wxLogin({
-							scene: "WxMPLogin",
-							miniProgramEncryUserInfoParam:{
-								jsCode:res.code
+		bindGetPhoneNumber(e) {
+			console.log(e.detail);
+			uni.login({
+				provider: 'univerify',
+				univerifyStyle: {
+					fullScreen: true
+				},
+				success(res) { // 登录成功
+					console.log('res',res.authResult);  // {openid:'登录授权唯一标识',access_token:'接口返回的 token'}
+				},
+				fail(err) {  // 登录失败
+					console.log('error',err)
+				}
+			})
+			return
+			uni.showLoading({
+				mask: true,
+				title: '正在登录'
+			})
+			uni.login({//免密登录
+				success: (res) => {
+					this.$api.login.wxLogin({
+						scene: "WxMPLogin",
+						miniProgramEncryUserInfoParam: {
+							jsCode: res.code
+						}
+					}).then(result => {
+						if (result.status === 'Succ') {
+							if ( {//新用户保存用户openid,unionId
+								uni.setStorageSync('openId',;
+								uni.setStorageSync('unionId',;
-						}).then(result=>{
-							if(result.status==='Succ'){
-								if({//新用户保存用户openid,unionId
-									uni.setStorageSync('openId',;
-									uni.setStorageSync('unionId',;
-								}
-								if(e.detail.errMsg==='getPhoneNumber:ok'){
-									let appConfig=uni.getAccountInfoSync();
-									let deviceConfig=uni.getSystemInfoSync();
-									this.$api.login.wxLogin({
-										scene: "WxMPLogin",
-										miniProgramEncryUserInfoParam:{
-										    encryptedData:e.detail.encryptedData,
-											iv:e.detail.iv,
-											code:e.detail.code,
-											deviceCode:deviceConfig.deviceId,
-											pkgCate:"JyPark",
-											platform:"WechatMP",
-											appVersion:appConfig.miniProgram.version||'1.0.0',
-										},
-										wxLoginInfo:{
-											openId:uni.getStorageSync('openId')||null,
-											unionId:uni.getStorageSync('unionId')||null
-										},
-										androidMarket:'WechatMP',
-										model:deviceConfig.model
-									}).then(res=>{
-										if({
-											uni.showToast({
-												icon:"none",
-											});
+							if (e.detail.errMsg === 'getPhoneNumber:ok') {
+								let appConfig = uni.getAccountInfoSync();
+								let deviceConfig = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
+								this.$api.login.wxLogin({
+									scene: "WxMPLogin",
+									miniProgramEncryUserInfoParam: {
+										encryptedData: e.detail.encryptedData,
+										iv: e.detail.iv,
+										code: e.detail.code,
+										deviceCode: deviceConfig.deviceId,
+										pkgCate: "JyPark",
+										platform: "WechatMP",
+										appVersion: appConfig.miniProgram.version || '1.0.0',
+									},
+									wxLoginInfo: {
+										openId: uni.getStorageSync('openId') || null,
+										unionId: uni.getStorageSync('unionId') || null
+									},
+									androidMarket: 'WechatMP',
+									model: deviceConfig.model
+								}).then(res => {
+									if ( {
+										uni.showToast({
+											icon: "none",
+											title:
+										});
+									}
+									else if ( {
+										uni.setStorageSync('LL_Ukn',;
+										uni.setStorageSync('token',;
+										uni.setStorageSync('userInfo', JSON.stringify(;
+										uni.setStorageSync('user', JSON.stringify(;
+										uni.setStorageSync('isLogin', 'yes');
+										this.$api.public.aliossCdn({}).then(cdnRes => {
+											this.$store.commit('setImageCdn',;
+											this.$store.commit('setVideoCdn',;
+											uni.setStorageSync('imageCdn',;
+											uni.setStorageSync('videoCdn',;
+										});
+										if ( {
+											uni.navigateTo({
+												url: '/pages/info/sex'
+											})
+											return;
-										else if({
-											uni.setStorageSync('LL_Ukn',;
-											uni.setStorageSync('token',;
-											uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',JSON.stringify(;
-											uni.setStorageSync('user',JSON.stringify(;
-											uni.setStorageSync('isLogin','yes');
-											this.$api.public.aliossCdn({}).then(cdnRes=>{
-												this.$store.commit('setImageCdn',;
-												this.$store.commit('setVideoCdn',;
-												uni.setStorageSync('imageCdn',;
-												uni.setStorageSync('videoCdn',;
-											});
-											if({
-												uni.navigateTo({
-													url:'/pages/info/sex'
-												})
-												return;
-											}
-											//全局分享
-											uni.onAppRoute(()=>{
-												const pages=getCurrentPages();
-												let page=pages[pages.length-1];
-												if(page.route!=='pages/friends/user'){
-													let inviteCode=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('userInfo')).inviteCode
-													page.onShareAppMessage=()=>{
-														return{
-															title:'我在糖果公园等你哟~',
-															page:`pages/friends/friends?inviteCode=${inviteCode}`,
-															imageUrl:''
-														}
+										//全局分享
+										uni.onAppRoute(() => {
+											const pages = getCurrentPages();
+											let page = pages[pages.length - 1];
+											if (page.route !== 'pages/friends/user') {
+												let inviteCode = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('userInfo')).inviteCode
+												page.onShareAppMessage = () => {
+													return {
+														title: '我在糖果公园等你哟~',
+														page: `pages/friends/friends?inviteCode=${inviteCode}`,
+														imageUrl: ''
-											})
-											this.getMineDetail(;
-										}
-										else{
-											uni.showToast({
-		,icon:'none'
-											})
-										}
-										uni.hideLoading();
-									}).catch(err=>{
-										uni.hideLoading();
-										console.log(err);
-									})
-								}else{
+											}
+										})
+										this.getMineDetail(;
+									}
+									else {
+										uni.showToast({
+											title:, icon: 'none'
+										})
+									}
-									uni.showToast({
-										icon:'none',
-										mask:true,
-										title:'授权拒绝,请重试'
-									})
-								}
+								}).catch(err => {
+									uni.hideLoading();
+									console.log(err);
+								})
+							} else {
+								uni.hideLoading();
+								uni.showToast({
+									icon: 'none',
+									mask: true,
+									title: '授权拒绝,请重试'
+								})
-						})
-					},
-					fail: (err) => {
-						uni.hideLoading();
-						uni.showToast({
-							icon:'none',
-							mask:true,
-							title:'授权拒绝,请重试'
-						})
-					}
-				});
-			},
-			getMineDetail(regStepNew){
-				let step=uni.getStorageSync('regStep')||regStepNew;
-				switch(step){
-					case 'Sex':
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url:'/pages/info/sex'
-						})
+						}
+					})
+				},
+				fail: (err) => {
+					uni.hideLoading();
+					uni.showToast({
+						icon: 'none',
+						mask: true,
+						title: '授权拒绝,请重试'
+					})
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		getMineDetail(regStepNew) {
+			let step = uni.getStorageSync('regStep') || regStepNew;
+			switch (step) {
+				case 'Sex':
+					uni.navigateTo({
+						url: '/pages/info/sex'
+					})
-					case 'SocialImage':
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url:'/pages/info/figure'
-						})
+				case 'SocialImage':
+					uni.navigateTo({
+						url: '/pages/info/figure'
+					})
-					case 'SocialData':
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url:'/pages/info/datum'
-						})
+				case 'SocialData':
+					uni.navigateTo({
+						url: '/pages/info/datum'
+					})
-					case 'CityStay':
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url:'/pages/info/city'
-						})
+				case 'CityStay':
+					uni.navigateTo({
+						url: '/pages/info/city'
+					})
-					case 'WxInfo':
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url:'/pages/info/wechat'
-						})
+				case 'WxInfo':
+					uni.navigateTo({
+						url: '/pages/info/wechat'
+					})
-					case 'Basic':
-					case 'Index':
-						let user=JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
-						this.$api.public.mineDetail({
-							getAlbum:true,
-							completeUser:user
-						}).then(res=>{
-							this.$store.commit('setUserInfo',;
-							uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',JSON.stringify(;//正式环境删除
-							uni.setStorageSync('autoLogin','true');//正式环境删除
-						})
-						uni.switchTab({
-							url:'/pages/friends/friends'
-						})
+				case 'Basic':
+				case 'Index':
+					let user = JSON.parse(uni.getStorageSync('user'));
+					this.$api.public.mineDetail({
+						getAlbum: true,
+						completeUser: user
+					}).then(res => {
+						this.$store.commit('setUserInfo',;
+						uni.setStorageSync('userInfo', JSON.stringify(;//正式环境删除
+						uni.setStorageSync('autoLogin', 'true');//正式环境删除
+					})
+					uni.switchTab({
+						url: '/pages/friends/friends'
+					})
-				}
-			},
-			toUserService(){
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url:`/pages/webview/webview?url=${this.$util.protocal.userAgreement}`
-				})
-			},
-			toPrivate(){
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url:`/pages/webview/webview?url=${this.$util.protocal.privacy}`
-				})
+		},
+		toUserService() {
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: `/pages/webview/webview?url=${this.$util.protocal.userAgreement}`
+			})
+		},
+		toPrivate() {
+			uni.navigateTo({
+				url: `/pages/webview/webview?url=${this.$util.protocal.privacy}`
+			})
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-		width: 100vw;
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+	.l-video {
+		width: 400px;
+		height: 500px;
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-		.lv-logo{
+		.lv-logo {
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 			z-index: 10;
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-			left: 58rpx;
-			width: 372rpx;
-			height: 120rpx;
+			top: 256px;
+			left: 58px;
+			width: 372px;
+			height: 120px;
-	.lv-box{
+	.lv-box {
 		position: absolute;
-		bottom: 232rpx;
+		bottom: 232px;
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 		z-index: 99999;
-		.lv-wechat{
-			width: 96rpx;
-			height: 96rpx;
+		.lv-wechat {
+			width: 96px;
+			height: 96px;
-		.btn{
-			width: 486rpx;
-			height: 96rpx;
+		.btn {
+			width: 486px;
+			height: 96px;
 			position: relative;
-			margin-left: 50rpx;
+			margin-left: 50px;
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 			padding: 0;
-			margin-left: 30rpx;
-				.lv-phone{
-					width: 486rpx;
-					height: 96rpx;
-				}
+			margin-left: 30px;
+			.lv-phone {
+				width: 486px;
+				height: 96px;
+			}
-	.lv-pro{
-		color: #ffffff;
+	.lv-pro {
+		color: #000;
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
-					title:'加载中'
+					title:'加载中3'

+ 2 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ const IMSDKCode=1400293452;
 //const IMSDKCode=1400456480;
 // const apiHost = '' //本地; 
 const apiHost = ''
+// const apiHost = ''
 //const apiHost = ''
 const protocal={